Due to the hot summer weather, we can not ship our chocolate until August 31st. However, all our chocolate bars are still available at our Club Haven Shopping Center store. 5029 Country Club Rd, Winston-Salem, NC


Tanzanians take great pride in their cacao beans since the cacao trees were first introduced to the country as early as the 1880s. Kokoa Kamili beans are harvested from small farms located in Kilombero valley bordering the Udzungwa Mountains national park. These beans are collected “wet” and then are fermented and dried in a specialized facility, securing the prime quality of the bean every step of the way. Depending on the process itself, Kokoa Kamili has a pretty broad variety of tasting notes, varying from the fruity notes (berries, apples, plums, tropical fruits) all the way to the pleasant woody notes, and light chocolate/brownie batter notes.


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Kokoa-Kamili 62%”